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Gilroy Bassmasters 2004 Tournament Results

Photo taken at Clear Lake Nite Tournament 09/18/04
Front Row (L to R): Scott Stewart, Mike Ponce, Don Welch, Clark Foster, Bob Greneveld, Dale Bennett, Mario Jorge,
Adam McAndrews, Thomas Wang
Back Row: Craig Stewart, Jim Woolridge, Anthony Bennett, Mike Johnson, Anthony Cano, Ray Covert, Tim Chapman,
Vince Borrego, Steve Yee, Nathan Wong, Bob Nathan, Derrick Wong, Ron Hunnewell

Photo taken at the Delta, Holland 05/15/04
Front Row (L to R): Dale Bennett, Clark Foster, Anthony Benett, Javier Martinez, Don Welch
Middle Row: Mike Ponce, Darrell Allen, Jim Woolridge, Ray Covert, Bob Greneveld, Vince Borrego
Back Row: Mario Jorge, Tim Chapman, Adam McAndrews, Mark Eglesia, Sean Cotten, Ryan Davis,
Thomas Wang, Justin Baldasano, Nathan Wong, Derrick Wong, Mike Johnson, Ed Pence,
Steve Yee, Brian Yee, Chuck Peak, Ron Hunnewell, Fred Burns, Zak Elrite

Photo taken at Folsom 01/17/04
Front row (Left to Right): Anthony Bennett, Steve Yee, Vince Borrego, Don Welch, Bob Nathan
Back row: Jim Woolridge, Dale Bennett, Sean Cotten, Ray Covert, Rayan Davis, Mike Ponce,
Mike Johnson, Clark Foster, Javier Martinez, Derrick Wong, Nathan Wong,
Mark Eglesia, Mario Jorge

Previous 2004 GBM Tournament Results taken from the GBM Newsletters

2004 Tournament Schedule:

January 10, 2004 - Quarry Lake, Restoration Project, BBAC
January 17, 2004 - Folsom Lake, Granite Bay Ramp
February 8 - 2003 Awards Banquet, Marie Callenders
February 21 - Lake Berryessa, Putah Ramp
March 20 - New Melones, Turtletown Ramp
April 15 - BBAC 10th Annual Fund Raiser Dinner, Naperdak Hall, San Jose
April 17 & 18 - Clear Lake Two Day, Lucerne Ramp
May 15 - Delta, Holland Ramp
June 12 - Night, Clear Lake, Clear Lake Oaks Ramp
July 17 - Delta, Holland Ramp
August 14 - Delta, Holland Ramp
August 15 - Delta, Holland Ramp, Club TOC
August 21 & 22 - Delta, Snag Proof
September 18 - Night, Clear Lake, Clear Lake Oaks Ramp
October 16 & 17 - Delta, Holland Ramp
November 20 - San Antonio, North Shore Ramp
December 11 - Anderson, The Main Dam Ramp

2004 Club Officers
President: Don Welch
Vice President: Vince Borrego
Secretary / Treasurer / Webmaster: Steve Yee
Tournament Director: Darrell Allen
Assistant TD: Bob Greneveld
Raffle Director: Javier Martinez

GBM Tournament Rules
GBM Tournament Payout Schedule
GBM Shared Expense Guidelines for Boaters/Non-Boaters
GBM Newsletter
GBM Blank Fishing Logs

Previous 2008 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2007 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2006 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2005 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2004 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2003 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2002 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2001 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 2000 GBM Tournament Results
Previous 1999 GBM Tournament Results

Tournament Results for December 11 at Lake Anderson, The Main Dam Ramp, on the water 8:15am. The group will gather at 7am. Contact your boat partner on the location.

It was another tough tournament, and it was on our home lake. The water was glass calm and the fog remained until noon. The lake level was dropping 2 feet a day. Air temperature was in the low 60's and the water temp was in the low 50's. The water visibility varied from 2 to 3 feet in the northern end of the lake to 4 to 5 feet in the southern end. Most of the bass came from +30 feet of water.

Dale Bennett was successful in catching the only full limit, drop shotting. Dale's first place was a decent 7.57 lbs, which is not bad for this time of year. Javier's second place was caught on drop shotting 4" cut-tails. Ray was a close third place, he was .05 of a pound behind Javier. Way to go guys!!!

1st place - Dale Bennett with 5 bass for 7.57 lbs.
2nd place - Javier Martinez with 4 bass for 6.58 lbs.
3rd place - Ray Covert with 4 bass for 6.53 lbs.
4th place - Mike Ponce with 3 bass for 4.33 lbs.
5th place - Tim Chapman with 2 bass for 3.49 lbs., big fish 2.33 lbs.
6th place - Don Welch with 2 bass for 3.13 lbs.
7th place - Bob Greneveld with 2 bass for 2.58 lbs.
8th place - Brian Yee with 2 bass for 2.30 lbs.
9th place - Anthony Bennett with 1 bass for 1.94 lbs.
10th place - Mario Jorge with 1 bass for 1.81 lbs.
11th place - Darrell Allen with 1 bass for 1.63 lbs.
12th place - Charles Grover with 1 bass for 1.50 lbs.
13th place - Mike Johnson with 1 bass for 1.32 lbs.
14th place - Derrick Wong with 1 bass for 1.29 lbs.
15th place - Bob Nathan with 1 bass for 1.00 lbs.
16th place - Bill Lee with 1 bass for 0.94 lbs.
Tied for 17th place - Scott Stewart and Mark Eglesia

Big Fish Awarded to Tim Chapman for a 2.33 lbs. largemouth bass

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Ray Covert & Mike Johnson
Boat 2: Scott Stewart & Tim Chapman
Boat 3: Javier Martinez & Anthony Bennett
Boat 4: Darrell Allen & Bob Nathan
Boat 5: Don Welch & Brian Yee
Boat 6: Mike Ponce & Dale Bennett
Boat 7: Mark Eglesia & Derrick Wong
Boat 8: Bob Greneveld & Charles Grover
Boat 9: Bill Lee & Mario Jorge

Tournament Results for November 20 at Lake San Antonio, North Shore Ramp, on the water 6:00am

A Big Congratulations to Mike Johnson for getting his first GRAND SLAM!!! Yes, from the back seat. Mike won first place, Big Fish, and the option pool. Mike's winning baits were a dropshot and a hula grub for the big fish. Bob Greneveld is 2 for 2. That is, Bob has placed second place twice in two consecutive tournaments. Bob's winning lure was a ½ ounce rattle trap. Mario's third place win was caught dropshotting. His catch was the only two largemouth of three caught during the tournament.

To say the least, it was a tough bite. And Wow, talk about fog!!! The water was glass calm and the fog remained until 11am. The lake level was down 80 feet. Air temperature was round the mid 40's and the water temp was about 58 degrees.

1st place - Mike Johnson with 2 smallmouth bass for 4.21 lbs., big fish 2.26 lbs.
2nd place - Bob Greneveld with 2 smallmouth bass for 3.16 lbs.
3rd place - Mario Jorge with 2 largemouth bass for 2.90 lbs., big fish 1.66 lbs.
4th place - Ray Covert with 2 smallmouth bass for 2.65 lbs., big fish 1.39 lbs.
5th place - Dale Bennett with 1 smallmouth bass for 1.42 lbs.
6th place - Bill Lee with 1 largemouth bass for 1.26 lbs.
7th place - Don Welch with 1 smallmouth bas for 0.92 lbs.
Tied for 8th place - Darrell Allen, Bob Nathan, Scott Stewart, Steve Yee, Mike Ponce, Tim Chapman,
Darwin Ellison, Charles Grover, Javier Martinez, Brian Yee, Ron Hunnewell

Big Fish Awarded to Mike Johnson for a 2.26 lbs smallmouth bass

Mike Johson with his GRAND SLAM - 1st place, Big Fish Award & Options

Bob Greneveld "Tasting the Victory" with the 2nd place win!!

Ray Covert with 4th place, Mario Jorge with 3rd place, and Dale Bennett with 5th place

Bill Lee with 6th place

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Darrell Allen & Mike Johnson
Boat 2: Scott Stewart & Steve Yee
Boat 3: Ray Covert & Mario Jorge
Boat 4: Bob Greneveld & Bob Nathan
Boat 5: Mike Ponce & Tim Chapman
Boat 6: Darwin Ellison & Charles Grover
Boat 7: Javier Martinez & Dale Bennett
Boat 8: Bill Lee & Brian Yee
Boat 9: Ron Hunnewell & Don Welch

Tournament Results for October 16 & 17, Two Day Tournament, Delta, Holland Ramp, on the water at 6:30am

Wow, what a great come back from 6th place by Mark Eglesia. Mark took 1st place honors and Day 2 Big Fish, over the two day event. His winning lure was a Reaction green pumpkin tube bait. Bob Greneveld was leading Day 1, but came in 2nd overall with a respectable 21.32 lbs. Bob was throwing cut tails in Victoria Slough. With Day 1 Big Fish, Vince Borrego held on both days in 3rd place. Vince's winning lure was a spinnerbait. Way to go guys!!! Sounded like I missed some action.

On both days, the water was glass calm until 10am, then the wind kicked up. A lot of small bass were caught. It rained on the Sunday weigh-in. Air temperature was round the mid 70's and the water temp was about 67 degrees.

Two Day Grand Total:
1st place - Mark Eglesia with 10 bass for 26.07 lbs., big fish 6.25 lbs.
2nd place - Bob Greneveld with 10 bass for 21.32 lbs., big fish 4.94 lbs.
3rd place - Vince Borrego with 8 bass for 19.55 lbs., big fish 6.78 lbs.
4th place - Darwin Ellison with 10 bass for 17.92 lbs., big fish 4.27 lbs.
5th place - Clark Foster with 10 bass for 16.06 lbs., big fish 3.29 lbs.
6th place - Don Welch with 9 bass for 14.03 lbs.
7th place - Javier Martinez with 7 bass for 12.15 lbs., big fish 4.90 lbs.
8th place - Bill Lee with 7 bass for 11.55 lbs.
9th place - Mike Johnson with 6 bass for 10.87 lbs.
10th place - Darrell Allen with 6 bass for 8.87 lbs.
11th place - Mario Jorge with 5 bass for 8.60 lbs.
12th place - Dale Bennett with 5 bass fo 8.26 lbs.
13th place - Ron Hunnewell with 5 bass for 6.20 lbs.
14th place - Mike Ponce with 3 bass for 5.50 lbs.
15th place - Tim Gomes* with 3 bass for 5.17 lbs.
16th place - Tim Chapman with 2 bass for 3.60 lbs.
17th place - Anthony Cano with 2 bass for 2.59 lbs.
18th place - Derrick Wong with 1 bass for 2.26 lbs.
19th place - Scott Stewart wth 1 bass for 1.78 lbs.
20th place - Jay * with 1 bass for 1.38 lbs.
21st place - Ray Covert with 1 bass for 1.12 lbs.
Tied for 22nd place - Nathan Wong & Fred Burns

Day 1 Big Fish Awarded to Vince Borrego for 6.78 lbs. largemouth bass
Day 2 Big Fish Awarded to Mark Eglesia for 6.25 lbs. largemouth bass

Day 2 Results:
1st place - Mark Eglesia with 5 bass for 18.09 lbs., big fish 6.25 lbs.*
2nd place - Vince Borrego with 5 bass for 10.45 lbs., big fish 2.58 lbs.
3rd place - Bob Greneveld with 5 bass for 9.61 lbs., big fish 4.26 lbs.
4th place - Don Welch with 5 bass for 8.47 lbs.
5th place - Darwin Ellison with 5 bass for 7.87 lbs.
6th place - Clark Foster with 5 bass for 6.99 lbs.
7th place - Bill Lee with 4 bass for 6.48 lbs.
8th place - Darrell Allen with 4 bass for 6.33 lbs.
9th place - Mike Johnson with 4 bass for 6.24 lbs.
10th place - Mario Jorge with 3 bass for 5.70 lbs.
11th place - Javier Martinez with 2 bass for 5.25 lbs, big fish 4.90 lbs.
12th place - Scott Stewart with 1 bass for 1.78 lbs.
13th place - Tim Chapman with 1 bass for 1.39 lbs.
14th place - Jay* with 1 bass for 1.38 lbs.
Tied for 15th place - Dale Bennett, Ron Hunnewell, Mike Ponce, Tim Gomes*, Anthony Cano,
Derrick Wong, Ray Covert, Nathan Wong, and Fred Burns

Day 1 Results:
1st place - Bob Greneveld with 5 bass for 11.71 lbs., big fish 4.94 lbs.
2nd place - Darwin Ellison with 5 bass for 10.05 lbs., big fish 4.27 lbs.
3rd place - Vince Borrego with 3 bass for 9.10 lbs., big fish 6.78 lbs.*
4th place - Clark Foster with 5 bass for 9.07 lbs., big fish 3.29 lbs.
5th place - Dale Bennett with 5 bass for 8.26 lbs., big fish 2.38 lbs.
6th place - Mark Eglesia with 5 bass for 7.98 lbs., big fish 2.34 lbs.
7th place - Javier Martinez with 5 bass for 6.90 lbs.
8th place - Ron Hunnewell with 5 bass for 6.20 lbs.
9th place - Don Welch with 4 bass for 5.56 lbs.
10th place - Mike Ponce with 3 bass for 5.50 lbs.
11th place - Tim Gomes* with 3 bass for 5.17 lbs.
12th place - Bill Lee with 3 bass for 5.07 lbs.
13th place - Mike Johnson with 2 bass for 4.63 lbs.
14th place - Mario Jorge with 2 bass for 2.90 lbs.
15th place - Anthony Cano with 2 bass for 2.59 lbs.
16th place - Darrell Allen with 2 bass for 2.45 lbs.
17th place - Derrick Wong with 1 bass for 2.26 lbs.
18th place - Tim Chapman with 1 bass for 2.21 lbs.
19th place - Ray Covert with 1 bass for 1.12 lbs.
Tied for 20th place - Scott Stewart, Nathan Wong, Jay*, & Fred Burns

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Darwin Ellison & Tim Chapman
Boat 2: Vince Borrego & Derrick Wong
Boat 3: Mike Ponce & Dale Bennett
Boat 4: Javier Martinez & Nathan Wong
Boat 5: Ray Covert & Mike Johnson
Boat 6: Scott Stewart & Mario Jorge
Boat 7: Bill Lee & Fred Burns
Boat 8: Clark Foster & Anthony Cano
Boat 9: Darrell Allen & Bob Greneveld
Boat 10: Ron Hunnewell & Tim Gomes*
Boat 11: Mark Eglesia & Jay*
Boat 12: Don Welch

Tournament Results for September 18, Night Clear Lake, Clear Lake Oaks Ramp, on the water at 6pm

Steve with 9th place & Nathan Wong

Wow, we really know how to pick the nite tournaments. Both times it has been windy. Well, this time it rained, in the middle of the summer. There were some whitecaps on the way back to the weigh-in. We didn't loose any boats or fishermen. Air temperature dropped to the high 50's and the water temp was in the low 70's.

Considering Vince Borrego wasn't planning on attending this tournament, he did really well. Vince took top honors by throwing a 10" black/blue power worm. Ron Hunnewell captured the Big Fish Award and 2nd place dropshotting 6" handpours near Knocti Resort. This is Derrick Wong's first time in the money. Derrick dropshotted 6" handpours in Knocti Bay for his 3rd place finish. Way to go guys.

1st place - Vince Borrego with 5 bass for 15.69 lbs., big fish 5.45 lbs.
2nd place - Ron Hunnewell with 5 bass for 15.03 lbs., big fish 5.87 lbs.
3rd place - Derrick Wong with 5 bass for 13.70 lbs., big fish 3.48 lbs.
4th place - Bob Greneveld with 5 bass for 11.800 lbs.
5th place - Ray Covert with 5 bass for 11.38 lbs., 2.97 lbs.
6th place - Thomas Wang with 5 bass for 11.13 lbs.
7th place - Dale Bennett with 5 bass for 9.97 lbs.
8th place - Mike Ponce with 5 bass for 9.25 lbs., 2.45 lbs.
9th place - Steve Yee with 3 bass for 8.62 lbs., big fish 4.32 lbs.
10th place - Don Welch with 5 bass for 8.45 lbs.
11th place - Craig Stewart* with 5 bass for 7.73 lbs., 2.05 lbs.
12th place - Adam McAndrews with 4 bass for 7.54 lbs.
13th place - Mike Johnson with 4 bass 7.48 lbs.
14th place - Anthony Bennett with 3 bass for 5.03 lbs.
15th place - Tim Chapman with 3 bass for 4.84 lbs.
16th place - Bob Nathan with 2 bass for 3.71 lbs.
17th place - Anthony Cano with 2 bass for 3.62 lbs.
18th place - Clark Foster with 2 bass for 2.94 lbs.
19th place - Nathan Wong with 1 bass for 1.66 lbs.
20th place - Scott Stewart with 1 bass for 1.62 lbs.
Tied for 21st place - Jim Woolridge, Mario Jorge

Big Fish Awarded to Ron Hunnewell for a 5.87 lbs. largemouth bass

Ron Hunnwell with 2nd place and BIG Fish Honors

Vince Borrego with 1st place & Tim Chapman

Nathan Wong holding Derrick Wong's 3rd place Finish

Bob Greneveld holding his (just out of the money) 4th place

Ray Covert with 5th place

Thomas Wang with 6th place

Craig Stewart with 11th place & Scott Stewart

Anthony Cano with 17th place

No show - Zak Elrite and Darrin Smith*

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Jim Woolridge & Derrick Wong
Boat 2: Zak Elrite & Darin Smith*
Boat 3: Mike Ponce & Thomas Wang
Boat 4: Scott Stewart & Craig Stewart*
Boat 5: Ray Covert & Bob Nathan
Boat 6: Ron Hunnewell & Anthony Cano
Boat 7: Steve Yee & Nathan Wong
Boat 8: Clark Foster & Adam McAndrews
Boat 9: Vince Borrego & Tim Chapman
Boat 10: Don Welch & Mike Johnson
Boat 11: Mario Jorge & Anthony Bennett
Boat 12: Bob Greneveld & Dale Bennett

Tournament Results for August 15, Delta, Holland Ramp, Club TOC, on the water 5:45am

1st place - Chuck Peak & Javier Martinez with 5 bass for 9.99 lbs.
2nd place - Zak Elrite & Don Welch with 5 bass for 9.79 lbs.
3rd place - Vince Borrego & Ron Hunnewell with 5 bass for 6.88 lbs.
4th place - Darrell Allen & Bob Greneveld with 5 bass for 6.63 lbs.
5th place - Clark Foster & Bill Lee with 5 bass for 5.81 lbs.
6th place - Jim Woolridge & Ray Covert with 4 bass for 5.45 lbs.

Big Fish Awarded to Don Welch for a 2.53 lbs. largemouth bass

TOC Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Chuck Peak & Javier Martinez
Boat 2: Don Welch & Zak Elrite
Boat 3: Darrell Allen & Bob Greneveld
Boat 4: Jim Woolridge & Ray Covert
Boat 5: Vince Borrego & Ron Hunnewell
Boat 6: Bill Lee & Clark Foster

Alternates: Scott Stewart, Dale Bennett, Mike Ponce, Steve Yee, Anthony Bennett

Special Rules that apply to the TOC:
1) Club tournament rules apply, except otherwise noted.
2) Tournament Director or alternate runs tournament once we are at the ramp.
3) We will try for 12 participants, but will fish with fewer if necessary.
4) We will try for six boats, but will fish with fewer if necessary.
5) Each will boat fish as a team.
6) If a non-boater is missing, the boater fishes alone and will keep both checks.
7) Five fish team limit.
8) Big Fish trophy awarded to individual with the big fish only. The Big Fish check is split by the team.
9) Alternates may be selected up until 48 hours before the event. Then the pairings are frozen.
10) Award to be given after the tournament, probably the same place as last year, the Brentwood Café on Main Street.

Tournament Results for August 14, Delta, Holland Ramp, on the water 5:45am

As the weather gets warmer, the bite gets bigger. A lot of fishermen were loosing big bass. There was a lite breeze in the morning, with heavier winds out by Franks Track in the afternoon. Water temperature was in the mid 70’s.

Chuck caught his limit on senkos near Franks track. Scott came in 2nd place with a nice limited of senko bass near east Holland. Vince ran all over the central delta flippin and blading for 3rd place. Tim Chapman landed his 6.62 lbs. frog fish near Connection for the Big Fish Award.

1st place - Chuck Peak with 5 bass for 10.89 lbs.
2nd place - Scott Stewart with 5 bass for 10.06 lbs., big fish 4.07 lbs.
3rd place - Vince Borrego with 5 bass for 9.82 lbs., big fish 5.10 lbs.
4th place - Mike Ponce with 4 bass for 9.54 lbs., big fish 3.50 lbs.
5th place - Ron Hunnewell with 5 bass for 8.44 lbs.
6th place - Darwin Ellison with 5 bass for 8.32 lbs., big fish 2.36 lbs.
7th place - Javier Martinez with 4 bass for 6.74 lbs., big fish 2.68 lbs.
8th place - Nathan Wong with 4 bass for 6.68 lbs.
9th place - Tim Chapman with 1 bass for 6.62 lbs.
10th place - Clark Foster with 4 bass for 6.11 lbs., big fish 2.15 lbs.
11th place - Don Welch with 5 bass for 5.83 lbs.
12th place - Bill Lee with 2 bass for 5.32 lbs., big fish 4.38 lbs. lbs.
13th place - Ray Covert with 2 bass for 5.20 lbs., big fish 3.17
14th place - Jim Woolridge with 3 bass for 4.51 lbs.
15th place - Mario Jorge with 3 bass for 4.35 lbs.
16th place - Zak Elrite with 3 bass for 4.23 lbs.
17th place - Mike Johnson with 2 bass for 3.73 lbs.
18th place - Mark Eglesia with 1 bass for 3.59 lbs.
19th place - Darrell Allen with 2 bass for 3.41 lbs.
20th place - Derrick Wong with 2 bass for 2.71 lbs.
21st place - Brian Yee with 1 bass for 1.82 lbs.
22nd place - Anthony Cano with 1 bass for 1.65 lbs.
Tied for 23rd place - Charles Gover, Bob Nathan, & Bob Greneveld

Big Fish Awarded to Tim Chapman for 6.62 lbs. largemouth bass

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Javier Martinez & Nathan Wong
Boat 2: Bob Grenenveld & Tim Chapman
Boat 3: Vince Borrego & Bob Nathan
Boat 4: Ron Hunnewell & Anthony Cano
Boat 5: Mark Eglesia & Brian Yee
Boat 6: Darrell Allen & Charles Grover
Boat 7: Darwin Ellison & Derrick Wong
Boat 8: Mike Ponce & Mario Jorge
Boat 9: Scott Stewart
Boat 10: Chuck Peak & Mike Johnson
Boat 11: Bill Lee & Clark Foster
Boat 12: Zak Elrite & Don Welch
Boat 13: Jim Woolridge & Ray Covert

Tournament Results for July 17, Delta Tournament, Holland Ramp, on the water 5am

Steve & Chuck Costello with 3rd place

Wow, not a bad day for fishing, considering we launched with 3 other clubs at the same ramp, and at the same time. It was really busy in the south delta. Frank's tract was pretty empty. Water temp was in the mid 70's.

It was a back breaker for Clark Foster, who took first place fishing in Discovery Bay. His winning pattern was Tournament Frogs and Rattletraps. Excellent win Clark. Bob Greneveld bladed his way to second place near Franks Track. Fishing as a guest, Chuck Costello caught his limit on white blades near Connection Slough. Since Chuck is a non-member of our club, third place was awarded to Mark Eglesia with limit of bass caught on buzzbaits & senkos near Middle River.

1st place - Clark Foster with 5 bass for 9.85 lbs., big fish 3.14 lbs.
2nd place - Bob Greneveld with 3 bass for 9.04 lbs., big fish 5.90 lbs.
3rd place - Chuck Costello* with 5 bass for 7.70 lbs., big fish 2.27 lbs.
3rd place - Mark Eglesia with 5 bass for 7.63 lbs., big fish 1.74 lbs.
4th place - Darwin Ellison* with 5 bass for 6.99 lbs.
4th place - Mike Johnson with 4 bass for 5.69 lbs.
5th place - Zak Elrite with 3 bass for 5.26 lbs.
6th place - Brian Yee with 3 bass for 4.81 lbs.
7th place - Tim Chapman wiht 3 bass for 4.00 lbs.
8th place - Nathan Wong with 2 bass for 3.94 lbs., big fish 2.02
9th place - Mario Jorge with 3 bass for 3.73 lbs.
10th place - Darrell Allen with 2 bass for 3.53 lbs.
11th place - Javier Martinez with 2 bass for 3.23 lbs.
12th place - Scott Stewart with 3 bass for 2.77 lbs.
13th place - Don Welch with 2 bass for 2.69 lbs.
14th place - Jim Woolridge with 2 bass for 2.19 lbs.
15th place - Mike Ponce with 1 bass for 2.18 lbs.
16th place - Bob Nathan with 1 bass for 2.12 lbs.
17th place - Dale Bennett with 1 bass for 1.99 lbs.
18th place - Anthony Cano with 1 bass for 1.42 lbs.
19th place - Steve Yee with 1 bass for 1.15 lbs.
20th place - Derrick Wong & Lee Williams*

Big Fish Awarded to Bob Greneveld for a 5.90 lbs. largemouth bass

Mike Ponce & Clark Foster with 1st place

No Shows - Ron Hunnewell, Charles Grover, & Vince Borrego

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Ron Hunnewell & Charles Grover
Boat 2: Javier Martinez & Bob Nathan
Boat 3: Clark Foster & Vince Borrego
Boat 4: Jim Woolridge & Anthony Cano
Boat 5: Scott Stewart & Mike Johnson
Boat 6: Darrell Allen & Nathan Wong
Boat 7: Don Welch & Dale Bennett
Boat 8: Bob Greneveld & Derrick Wong
Boat 9: Mike Ponce & Brian Yee
Boat 10: Steve Yee & Chuck Costello*
Boat 11: Zak Elrite & Tim Chapman
Boat 12: Mark Eglesia & Lee Williams*
Boat 13: Darwin Ellison* & Mario Jorge

Tournament Results for June 12, Clear Lake Night Tournament, ClearLake Oaks Ramp (behind Limit Out Tackle), on the water 6:00 pm

Big congratulations to Don Welch, for a 24.09 pound stringer. SWEEET!!! Actually, Don caught his limit on Sweet Beaver near Knocti. Clark Foster landed a respectible 17.61 pound limit on brush hogs in Disco, I mean in the Keys. Fishing his second tournament, Don’s partner Tim Chapman, placed in the money with a nice limit of 13.17 lbs. Way to go guys!!!

The following comentary was borrowed from Bob Greneveld’s posting on

Wow, what a trip! Our club had their first night tourney of the year. We started at 6 pm and fished to 8am. The wind blew 15-25 mph ALL NIGHT!! We did ok, as I finished fourth with 12+, our winner had 24+. His fish were caught on the rocky points by Konocti Resort. He threw the Sweet Beaver in black/red. We ran to Oak Cove by the Boat Works in my little 17 foot champion. And I'll say it again, Champions are about the best rough water boats I've ever been in. They have other problems, but not here. We had 9 keepers before dark on wacky wormed senkos and Yamamoto cut tail worms. The senkos were blue/smoke and the cut tails watermelon, both fished wacko style. The wind picked up and the bite died for us so we tied up to a boat slip and napped from 12:30am to 4:30am, as it got light, we switched to spinner baits. I caught my fifth and culled four until 6:45am, when we decided to start back, and it was really rough in the same place as last weekend (the Konocti Bay area)

Tips: white/chart spinner and speed traps for bigger fish also that sweet beaver, wacky worm slow for lots of fish but including several dinks. Get a quick limit on plastics then go hard baits.

1st place - Don Welch with 5 bass for 24.09 lbs., big fish 7.78 lbs.
2nd place - Clark Foster 5 bass for 17.61 lbs., big fish 5.87 lbs.
3rd place - Tim Chapman with 5 bass for 13.17 lbs.
4th place - Bob Greneveld with 5 bass for 12.19 lbs.
5th place - Mario Jorge with 5 bass for 11.48 lbs.
6th place - Zak Elrite with 5 bass for 10.71 lbs.
7th place - Ron Hunnewell with 4 bass for 9.76 lbs.
8th place - Darrell Allen with 5 bass for 9.44 lbs.
9th place - Nathan Wong with 4 bass for 8.66 lbs.
10th place - Bill Lee with 5 bass for 8.30 lbs.
11th place - Ray Covert with 2 bass for 7.29 lbs., big fish 5.73 lbs.
12th place - Mike Johnson with 4 bass for 6.04 lbs.
13th place - Scott Stewart with 3 bass for 6.03 lbs.
14th place - Adam McAndrews with 3 bass for 4.74 lbs.
15th place - Dale Bennett with 3 bass for 4.38 lbs.
16th place - Bob Nathan with 2 bass for 4.30 lbs.
17th place - Jim Woolridge with 3 bass for 3.80 lbs.
18th place - Charles Grover with 2 bass for 3.04 lbs.
19th place - Mike Ponce with 1 bass for 1.74 lbs.
Tied for 20th place - Vince Borrego, Derrick Wong, Sean Cotten, Brian Yee, Justin Baldasano, and Mark DeVitto

Big Fish Awarded to Don Welch for a 7.78 lbs. largemouth bass

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Don Welch & Tim Chapman
Boat 2: Zak Elrite & Mario Jorge
Boat 3: Jim Woolridge & Mike Johnson
Boat 4: Bill Lee & Bob Nathan
Boat 5: Vince Borrego & Derrick Wong
Boat 6: Sean Cotten & Brian Yee
Boat 7: Clark Foster & Charles Grover
Boat 8: Bob Greneveld & Darrell Allen
Boat 9: Scott Stewart & Craig Stewart*
Boat 10: Mike Ponce & Adam McAndrews
Boat 11: Ron Hunnewell & Nathan Wong
Boat 12: Justin Baldasano & Mark DeVitto*
Boat 13: Ray Covert & Dale Bennett

Tournament Results for May 15, Delta, Holland Ramp, on the water 5:30am

Ed Pence & Steve with 1st place

A big thanks goes to Ed Pence for putting Steve on fish. One of the secrets is not to be afraid of fishing in the wind. Steve's two biggest fish came on buzzbaits. He took 1st place by throwing a frenzy crankbait the remainder of the day on wind blown banks. Adam McAndrews caught his 2nd place win on senkos. Adam's secret, "you don't leave a spot, if you are on fish". It was really close for 3rd place, but Don Welch pulled it off with a blade bite.

The weather was reasonable. Calm & overcast in the morning. It was an outgoing tide with a lite breeze, and overcast most of the day. The water was in the 70's. Visibility in some spots was up to 4 feet.

1st place - Steve Yee with 5 bass for 14.87 lbs., big fish 3.96 lbs.
2nd place - Adam McAndrews with 5 bass for 9.68 lbs.
3rd place - Don Welch with 5 bass for 8.83 lbs.
4th place - Mike Johnson with 5 bass for 8.74 lbs.
5th place - Darrell Allen with 5 bass for 8.55 lbs.
6th place - Sean Cotten with 4 bass for 8.44 lbs., big fish 4.60 lbs.
7th place - Chuck Peak with 5 bass for 7.46 lbs., big fish 2.39 lbs.
8th place - Ron Hunnewell with 3 bass for 7.04 lbs., big fish 2.90 lbs.
9th place - Mark Eglesia with 5 bass for 6.10 lbs.
10th place - Mike Ponce with 4 bass for 5.69 lbs.
11th place - Tim Chapman with 2 bass for 5.68 lbs., big fish 3.89 lbs.
12th place - Ray Covert with 3 bass for 5.21 lbs.
13th place - Clark Foster with 5 bass for 5.14 lbs.
14th place - Ed Pence with 3 bass for 4.92 lbs.
15th place - Zak Elrite with 1 bass for 4.84 lbs.
16th place - Justin Baldasano with 3 bass for 4.63 lbs.
17th place - Javier Martinez with 2 bass for 4.31 lbs.
18th place - Anthony Bennett with 3 bass for 4.30 lbs.
19th place - Jim Woolridge with 2 bass for 3.29 lbs.
20th place - Bob Greneveld with 2 bass for 3.16 lbs.
21st place - Brian Yee with 2 bass for 3.09 lbs.
22nd place - Vince Borrego with 2 bass for 2.93 lbs.
23rd place - Derrick Wong with 2 bass for 2.79 lbs.
24th place - Nathan Wong with 1 bass for 2.17 lbs.
25th place - Ryan Davis with 1 bass for 0.91 lbs.
Tied for 26th place - Scott Stewart, Fred Burns, Mario Jorge,
Dale Bennett, and Thomas Wang

Big Fish Awarded to Zak Elrite for a 4.84 lbs. largemouth bass

Don Welch with 3rd place

Sean Cotten with 6th place

Ron Hunnewell with 8th place

Mike Ponce with 10th place & Nathan Wong

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Zak Elrite
Boat 2: Scott Stewart & Ryan Davis
Boat 3: Ray Covert & Derrick Wong
Boat 4: Steve Yee & Ed Pence
Boat 5: Clark Foster & Mike Johnson
Boat 6: Sean Cotten & Fred Burns
Boat 7: Darrell Allen & Thomas Wang
Boat 8: Jim Woolridge & Justin Baldasano
Boat 9: Mark Eglesia & Dale Bennett
Boat 10: Mike Ponce & Nathan Wong
Boat 11: Vince Borrego & Anthony Bennett
Boat 12: Bob Greneveld & Adam McAndrews
Boat 13: Ron Hunnewell & Brian Yee
Boat 14: Javier Martinez & Tim Chapman
Boat 15: Chuck Peak & Mario Jorge
Boat 16: Don Welch

Tournament Results for Clear Lake Two Day, April 17 & 18, Lucerne ramp, on the water 6:30am

All I can start with is… WOW, what a tough tournament!!

It was a great bite on Friday, but when Saturday came, that was another story. Two foot swells, rain, hail, and wind.
The bass had lock jaw on Saturday. One basser fell in the lake, three rods fell into the lake, one broken rod, one trailer roller stolen, late blast off, batteries shorting out, and a crowded launch ramp (there was another 17 boat bass club at the same ramp). Needless to say, tempers were flaring. Somehow the club kept it together for Sunday.

Ron Hunnewell kept his cool and had a limit each day for a total of 25.83 lbs. Ron caught Day 1 Big Fish of 3.20 lbs. Excellent job Ron!! I can’t wait to hear his winning techniques at the next meeting. I believe Ron was fishing the northern end of the lake.

Justin Baldasano made a nice come back with a 21.22 lbs. stringer. He had 8 bass and Day 2 Big Fish of 5.35 lbs. Now that sounds like a Clear Lake bass!!! From the reports, it sounded like Justin was dropshotting near Monitor Island.

Dale Bennett also came back from Day One 12th place by dropshotting his 7 bass to 3rd place with 16.84 lbs.

Congratulations for job well done! Take note guys… 2nd & 3rd place are non-boaters in the money.

Two Day Grand Total:
1st place - Ron Hunnewell with 10 bass for 25.83 lbs., big fish 3.20 lbs.
2nd place - Justin Baldasano with 8 bass for 21.22 lbs., big fish 5.35 lbs.
3rd place - Dale Bennett with 7 bass for 16.84 lbs., big fish 3.96 lbs.
4th place - Javier Martinez with 7 bass for 14.47 lbs., big fish 2.80 lbs.
5th place - Mark Eglesia with 9 bass for 14.28 lbs., big fish 2.52 lbs.
6th place - Chuck Peak with 9 bass for 14.27 lbs., big fish 2.67 lbs.
7th place - Don Welch with 7 bass for 13.53 lbs., big fish 2.88 lbs.
8th place - Darrell Allen with 6 bass for 13.07 lbs., big fish 2.68 lbs.
9th place - Mike Johnson with 7 bass for 12.73 lbs., big fish 2.24 lbs.
10th place - Ray Covert with 6 bass for 12.49 lbs., big fish 2.53 lbs.
11th place - Clark Foster with 6 bass for 10.92 lbs., big fish 2.53 lbs.
12th place - Jeremy Spears* with 6 bass for 10.62 lbs.
12th place - Thomas Wang with 5 bass for 10.42 lbs.
13th place - Brian Yee with 5 bass for 10.19 lbs., big fish 2.35 lbs.
14th place - Mike Ponce with 5 bass for 9.12 lbs, big fish 2.50 lbs.
15th place - Tim Bartlett with 5 bass for 8.52 lbs.
16th place - Tom Polyniak* with 5 bass for 8.35 lbs., big fish 2.28 lbs.
16th place - Mario Jorge with 5 bass for 7.60 lbs.
17th place - Anthony Bennett with 5 bass for 7.59 lbs.
18th place - Vince Borrego with 4 bass for 6.76 lbs.
19th place - Scott Stewart with 4 bass for 5.69 lbs.
20th place - Derrick Wong with 3 bass for 5.59 lbs.
21st place - Bill Lee with 3 bass for 5.01 lbs.
22nd place - Jim Woolridge with 2 bass for 3.88 lbs.
23rd place - Nathan Wong with 2 bass for 3.73 lbs.
24th place - Sean Cotten with 2 bass for 3.32 lbs.
25th place - Zak Elrite with 2 bass for 2.47 lbs.
26th place - Bob Greneveld with 1 bass for 1.74 lbs.
27th place - Bob Nathan with 1 bass for 1.39 lbs.
28th place - Phoebe Stewart

Day 1 Big Fish Awarded to Ron Hunnewell with a 3.20 lbs. largemouth bass
Day 2 Big Fish Awarded to Justin Baldasano with a 5.35 lbs. largemouth bass

Day 2 Results:

1st place - Justin Baldasano with 5 bass for 14.37 lbs.
2nd place - Dale Bennett with 5 bass for 12.39 lbs.
3rd place - Ron Hunnewell with 5 bass for 11.90 lbs.
4th place - Ray Covert with 5 bass for 10.25 lbs.
5th place - Don Welch with 5 bass for 9.28 lbs.
6th place - Mike Johnson with 5 bass for 9.20 lbs.
7th place - Jeremy Spears* with 5 bass for 8.50 lbs.
8th place - Tom Polyniak* with 5 bass for 8.35 lbs.
9th place - Mario Jorge with 5 bass for 7.60 lbs.
10th place - Mike Ponce with 4 bass for 7.42 lbs.
11th place - Chuck Peak with 4 bass for 6.87 lbs.
12th place - Anthony Bennett with 4 bass for 6.04 lbs.
13th place - Tim Bartlett with 4 bass for 5.75 lbs.
14th place - Mark Eglesia with 4 bass for 5.58 lbs.
15th place - Clark Foster with 3 bass for 5.06 lbs.
16th place - Javier Martinez with 2 bass for 4.64 lbs.
17th place - Thomas Wang with 2 bass for 4.32 lbs.
18th place - Jim Woolridge with 2 bass for 3.88 lbs.
19th place - Nathan Wong with 2 bass for 3.73 lbs.
20th place - Derrick Wong with 2 bass for 3.45 lbs.
21st place - Bill Lee with 2 bass for 2.93 lbs.
22nd place - Zak Elrite with 2 bass for 2.47 lbs.
23rd place - Darrell Allen with 1 bass for 2.11 lbs.
24th place - Sean Cotten with 1 bass for 1.76 lbs.
25th place - Bob Greneveld with 1 bass for 1.74 lbs.
26th place - Brian Yee with 1 bass for 1.39 lbs.
27th place - Bob Nathan with 1 bass for 1.39 lbs.
28th place - Vince Borrego with 1 bass for 1.20 lbs.
29th place - Scott Stewart with 1 bass for 1.11 lbs.
30th place - Phoebe Stewart*

Day 1 Results:

1st place - Ron Hunnewell with 5 bass for 13.95 lbs.
2nd place - Darrell Allen with 5 bass for 10.96 lbs.
3rd place - Javier Martinez with 5 bass for 9.83 lbs.
4th place - Brian Yee with 4 bass for 8.80 lbs.
5th place - Mark Eglesia with 5 bass for 8.70 lbs.
6th place - Chuck Peak with 5 bass for 7.40 lbs.
7th place - Justin Baldasano with 3 bass for 6.85 lbs.
8th place - Thomas Wang with 3 bass for 6.10 lbs.
9th place - Clark Foster with 3 bass for 5.86 lbs.
10th place - Vince Borrego with 3 bass for 5.56 lbs.
11th place - Scott Stewart with 3 bass for 4.58 lbs.
12th place - Dale Bennett with 2 bass for 4.45 lbs.
13th place - Don Welch with 2 bass for 4.25 lbs.
14th place - Mike Johnson with 2 bass for 3.53 lbs.
15th place - Tim Bartlett with 1 bass for 2.77 lbs.
16th place - Ray Covert with 1 bass for 2.24 lbs.
17th place - Jeremy Spears* with 1 bass for 2.12 lbs.
18th place - Bill Lee with 1 bass for 2.08 lbs.
19th place - Derrick Wong with 1 bass for 1.84 lbs.
20th place - Mike Ponce with 1 bass for 1.70 lbs.
21st place - Sean Cotten with 1 bass for 1.56 lbs.
22nd place - Anthony Bennett with 1 bass for 1.55 lbs.
Tied for 23rd place - Tom Polyniak*, Mario Jorge, Jim Woolridge, Nathan Wong,
Zak Elrite, Bob Greneveld, Bob Nathan

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Bob Greneveld
Boat 2: Zak Elrite & Jeremy Spears*
Boat 3: Darrell Allen & Mario Jorge
Boat 4: Tim Bartlett & Tom Polyniak*
Boat 5: Clark Foster & Bob Nathan
Boat 6: Jim Woolridge & Mike Johnson
Boat 7: Chuck Peak & Brian Yee
Boat 8: Bill Lee & Anthony Bennett
Boat 9: Ray Covert & Derrick Wong
Boat 10: Ron Hunnewell
Boat 11: Scott Stewart & Phoebe Stewart*
Boat 12: Sean Cotten & Nathan Wong
Boat 13: Mark Eglesia & Dale Bennett
Boat 14: Vince Borrego
Boat 15: Mike Ponce & Justin Baldasano
Boat 16: Don Welch
Boat 17: Javier Martinez & Thomas Wang

Black Bass Action Committee 10th Annual Fund Raiser Dinner
April 15, Naperdak Hall, San Jose

Phoebe & Scott Stewart, Steve Yee, Zak Elrite, and Lee Hines
Picture take by Steve Bunn

Tournament Results for New Melones, March 20, Turtletown ramp, on the water 6am

A portion of this report was clipped from Bob Greneveld’s fishing report on

It was a beautiful day, lots of sunshine, no wind, and lots of fish. Water temp was around 64 degrees with 8 foot visibility. Our club was fishing against a 28 boat WON Bass team tournament. But looking at ours weigh-in & their weigh-in stats. They had 28 limits and we had 15 limits weighed in. That’s a fun day.

Mostly smaller fish were caught, but Mario Jorge took 1st place with a 13.84 lbs. stringer and Big Fish Award with a 7.45 lbs largemouth bass. Mario’s big bass fell for a baby brush hog and a hog to go with it!! As usual, Darrell caught his 2nd place 10.86 lbs. limit with everything in the tackle box (lizards, jerkbait, and dropshot). Bill Lee weighed in 5 nice spotted bass. Bill convinced the spots to hit his new favorite lure, the little brown worm. Okay, so he did use a green weenie.

There was a good early bite. The reaction bite was picking up on a jerkbaits & spinnerbaits. If the weather holds, we’ll have a good spawn.

1st place - Mario Jorge with 5 largemouth bass for 13.84 lbs., big fish 7.45 lbs.
2nd place - Darrell Allen with 5 bass (4 large, 1 spot) for 10.86 lbs., big fish 3.06 lbs.
3rd place - Bill Lee with 5 spotted bass for 10.19 lbs., big fish 2.83 lbs.
4th place - Chuck Peak with 5 largemouth bass for 9.23 lbs., big fish 2.03 lbs.
5th place - Dale Bennett with 5 largemouth bass for 8.93 lbs., big fish 2.45 lbs.
6th place - Mark Eglesia with 5 largemouth bass for 8.84 lbs.
7th place - Justin Baldasano with 5 bass (3 large, 2 spots) for 8.65 lbs., big fish 2.38 lbs.
8th place - Jim Woolridge with 5 spotted bass for 7.60 lbs., big fish 1.76 lbs.
9th place - Bob Greneveld with 5 bass (2 large, 3 spots) for 7.59 lbs., big fish 2.64 lbs.
10th place - Don Welch with 5 bass (4 large, 1 spot) for 7.49 lbs.
11th place - Javier Martinez with 5 bass (1 large, 4 spots) for 7.04 lbs.
12th place - Thomas Wang with 5 bass (4 large, 1 spot) for 6.91 lbs.
13th place - Sean Cotten with 5 spotted bass for 6.54 lbs.
14th place - Adam McAndrews with 5 bass (1 large, 4 spots) for 6.19 lbs.
15th place - Ray Covert with 5 bass (1 large, 1 small, 3 spots) for 5.83 lbs.
16th place - Mike Johnson with 2 spotted bass for 5.44 lbs.
17th place - Anthony Bennett with 3 spotted bass for 4.48 lbs.
18th place - Bob Nathan with 3 bass (1 large, 2 spots) for 4.24 lbs.
19th place - Clark Foster with 3 bass (1 large, 2 spots) for 3.51 lbs.
20th place - Mike Ponce with 1 spotted bass for 1.02 lbs.
21st place - Charles Grover

Big Fish Awarded to Mario Jorge for a 7.45 lbs. largemouth bass

No Show - Monty Jones*

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Don Welch & Mario Jorge
Boat 2: Clark Foster & Adam McAndrews
Boat 3: Jim Woolridge & Justin Baldasano
Boat 4: Darrell Allen & Dale Bennett
Boat 5: Mike Ponce & Mike Johnson
Boat 6: Mark Eglesia & Thomas Wong
Boat 7: Ray Covert & Bob Nathan
Boat 8: Chuck Peak & Anthony Bennett
Boat 9: Bill Lee & Charles Grover
Boat 10: Javier Martinez & Sean Cotten
Boat 11: Bob Greneveld & Monty Jones*

Tournament Results for Berryessa, February 21, Putah ramp, on the water 6:30am

Portion of the following commentary is taken from Zak Elrite’s fishing report which was posted on By the way Zak, nice job. I couldn’t have written it better.

Gilroy bassmasters... Had a club tournament today here on beautiful and full Berryessa! We had a great turn out of 22 anglers. We began the day with some drizzle and ended the same way, with some showers in between. Watch out for all the debris. Large (15'-20') logs and trees floatin' around. Also full of small junk.

Still a good day. Our winning weight was a tie of 10.2 lbs. (1st and 2nd place) good job Clark and Darrell. Third place went to Scott with 8.9 lbs. Way to go dude! I (Zak) finished just out of the money for fourth with 8.7 lbs. But I just barely got big fish with 3.2 lbs. (smallie). It was a close one. With a lot of guys weighing in real close. I fished Putah Creek with grubs and 4 inch worms on darter heads. Almost all fish in the club were caught on plastics and jigs. This is great bunch of guys to fish with and all good sticks. Many fish were caught off main lake (points and islands). Good job new guys!

Water temp was around 52 degrees and in some places had the color of coffee with too much cream. This was the first time were the winning weight and big fish were exactly the same. From what I heard the little brown worm did it again.

Tied for 1st place - Darrell Allen & Clark Foster with 5 bass for 10.20 lbs., big fish 3.10 lbs.
2nd place - we combined 1st and 2nd place winnings
3rd place - Scott Stewart with 5 bass for 8.90 lbs., big fish 2.60 lbs.
4th place - Zak Elrite with 5 bass for 8.70 lbs., big fish for 3.20 lbs.
5th place - Don Welch with 5 bass for 8.30 lbs., big fish 2.30 lbs.
6th place - Dale Bennett with 3 bass for 8.10 lbs., big fish 3.10 lbs.
7th place - Mario Jorge with 3 bass for 5.60 lbs., big fish 2.70 lbs.
8th place - Mike Johnson with 3 bass for 5.30 lbs., big fish 2.10 lbs.
Tied for 9th place - Derrick Wong (big fish 2.50 lbs.) & Jim Woolrdige with 2 bass for 3.80 lbs.
10th place - Adam McAndrews with 2 bass for 3.70 lbs.
11th place - Ray Covert with 2 bass for 3.30 lbs., big fish 1.60 lbs.
12th place - Justin Baldasano with 2bass for 3.20 lbs, big fish 2.00 lbs.
13th place - Bill Lee with 1 bass for 2.50 lbs.
Tied for 14th place - Nathan Wong & Brian Yee with 1 bass for 2.20 lbs.
15th place - Ron Hunnewell with 1 bass for 2.10 lbs.
16th place - Mike Ponce with 1 bass for 1.80 lbs.
Tied for 17th place - Bob Greneveld, Anthony Bennett, & Javier Martinez

No Shows - Tim Bartlett, Vince Borrego, & Sean Cotten

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Jim Woolridge & Brian Yee
Boat 2: Javier Martinez & Anthony Bennett
Boat 3: Bob Greneveld & Adam McAndrews
Boat 4: Scott Stewart & Mike Johnson
Boat 5: Don Welch & Mario Jorge
Boat 6: Ron Hunnewell & Sean Cotten
Boat 7: Ray Covert & Justin Baldasano
Boat 8: Mike Ponce & Nathan Wong
Boat 9: Darrell Allen & Derrick Wong
Boat 10: Bill Lee & Dale Bennett
Boat 11: Zak Elrite & Guest
Boat 12: Clark Foster
Boat 13: Tim Bartlett & Vince Borrego

2003 Awards Banquet February 8 at Marie Callender's, Morgan Hill.

An excellent turnout at our 2003 Awards Banquet took place at Marie Callender’s on Sunday, February 8th. Thirty-Seven (37) people were present to congratulate Chuck Peak (Bass Angler of the 2003 Year), Jim Woolridge (Bassmaster of the 2003 Year), Scott Stewart (Rookie of the 2003 Year), Vince Borrego (Most Improved), and Zak Elrite (Biggest Bass of 2003 Year). Javier Martinez provided us with a fantastic raffle. Don Welch kept the event moving as master of ceremonies.

Tournament results for Folsom, January 17, 2004, Granite Bay ramp,
on the water 6:00am

Steve with 5th place & Dale Bennett

Wow. What can I say?! And I thought Berryessa was a tough place to fish. We missed the big bite by one week. The weekend before, every other boat was weighing in a 5 pound kicker. The water was down 80 feet. Granite Bay was down to the second ramp, it still had one more ramp to go. Well, at least we didn’t get charged for launch fees. As you can see from the webpage, it was hazy throughout the day. The water temp was in the upper forties. You could see down 10 feet. There was very little wind. It made for dropshotting in the middle of the lake, in 100 feet of water, easy. Our club’s 10 boats were competing for prime fishing spots with the 14 boat NewBass Tourney. Not that it made a difference. The NewBass lowest weight was our winning weight.

Javier was the only one coming close to getting a full limit. Way to go Javier!!! He caught his spots on a baby brush hog in the North Fork. His partner, Nathan Wong, landed 3rd place and Big Fish on a Hula Grub. This is Nathan’s third tournament as a non-boater. Excellent way to start the year off!!! Ray hooked the only largemouth in the tournament on a 4 inch hand pour and convinced a spotted bass to hitting a 5 inch storm swimbait. Fantastic job fellas!!!

1st place - Javier Martinez with 4 spotted bass for 6.80 lbs.
2nd place - Ray Covert with 3 bass (1 largemouth & 2 spots) for 5.64 lbs., big fish 2.56 lbs. spot
3rd place - Nathan Wong with 1 spotted bass for 3.27 lbs.
4th place - Bob Nathan with 1 spotted bass for 2.76 lbs.
5th place - Steve Yee with 1 spotted bass for 2.56 lbs.
6th place - Mike Ponce with 1 spotted bass for 2.38 lbs.
7th place - Clark Foster with 1 spotted bass for 1.72 lbs.
8th place - Mark Eglesia with 1 smallmouth for 1.69 lbs.
9th place - Ed Pence with 1 spotted bass for 1.37 lbs.
10th place - Sean Cotten with 1 spotted bass for 1.33 lbs.
11th place - Vince Borrego with 1 spotted bass for 1.22 lbs.
12th place - Don Welch with 1 spotted bass for 1.13 lbs.
Tied for 13th place - Ryan Davis, Mike Johnson, Jim Woolridge, Derrick Wong,
Anthony Bennett, Ron Alcatraz, Dale Bennett, and Mario Jorge

Big Fish Awarded to Nathan Wong for a 3.27 lbs. spotted bass

Javier Martinez with 1st place & Nathan Wong with 3rd place and Big Fish

Mike Ponce with 6th place & Mike Johnson

Clark Foster with 7th place

Boat Partners:
Boat 1: Javier Martinez & Nathan Wong
Boat 2: Mark Eglesia & Bob Nathan
Boat 3: Vince Borrego & Sean Cotten
Boat 4: Clark Foster & Ryan Davis
Boat 5: Mike Ponce & Mike Johnson
Boat 6: Jim Woolridge & Derrick Wong
Boat 7: Don Welch & Anthony Bennett
Boat 8: Ray Covert & Ron Alcatraz (prospective)
Boat 9: Steve Yee & Dale Bennett
Boat 10: Ed Pence & Mario Jorge

Quarry Lake Restoration Project, Fremont, CA

January 10, 2004, Black Bass Action Committee - BBAC Delta/Foothills Chapter event,
sponsored by Tri-Valley Bassmasters. There were 1,500 xmas tree used for this project, over 75 volunteers, including 3 Boy Scout Troups (912, 915 & 975) and Channel 2 & 11 video taped some of the event.

Steve hauling trees

Steve's Girls help tie christmas trees with Boy Scout Troup 97

Pete Alexander (East Bay Regional Parks), Mike Riehl (Tri-Valley Bassmasters)
& Steve (Gilroy Bassmasters)

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Last update: 01/03/05