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Gilroy Bassmasters Club & Tournament Rules
Revised: March 7, 2009

1. Affiliation and Eligibility. Gilroy Bassmasters is comprised of members who are interested in fishing, learning, teaching and fellowship. The Club is a teaching and sharing fishing club. The officers of Gilroy Bassmasters are the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Tournament Director and Assistant Tournament Director and Raffle Director. The past officers can also be consulted in important club matters. Each active term for an Officer is one year. The Officers are determined by membership vote in December for the coming calendar year. Adherence to club rules and displaying the highest standards are expected of all members-including Officers. Any Officer not fulfilling his/her duties in an effective manner can be removed from office by 2/3 majority vote.

Tournaments are open to all members of Gilroy Bassmasters, prospective members and to guests of club members. All contestants must be age 16 or older and have a valid California fishing license. All members and participants must also be a B.A.S.S. (Bass Anglers Sportsman Society) member (subscribe to Bassmasters magazine). B.A.S.S. membership is required in order to have liability insurance through B.A.S.S.

2. Safety: Safe boating conduct is required at all times by all contestants. Each contestant must wear a USCG approved PFD (Personal Floatation Device) whenever the combustible engine is operating. A functional kill switch is required on every boat. The boater must also insure there is a fully charged and inspected fire extinguisher, horn or other noise device and a throw cushion available. During limited light conditions running and navigation lights must be installed and turned on for safety.

3. Sportsmanship Any contestant who displays poor sportsmanship, violates any club rule may be disqualified. The severity of the infraction will be determined by the Officers. Violation of California DFG (Department of Fish and Game) laws and rules may be disqualified. Contestants will be made aware of violations as soon as possible by the Officers at the weigh-in.

4. Fishing hours will be announced at the registration prior to the tournament. Contestants must check-in and out at the official check point. Every boat will be checked by the Tournament Director or the Tournament Director's designee prior to the day's fishing. Who will be inspecting livewells and lockers for safety equipment and live bait? Contestants may not start prior to the official start time. Weigh-in will be held at the designated time only.

5. Partners must remain together throughout the fishing day. But there are exceptions to this rule. 1- Attending to bio needs. 2- If there is a mechanical breakdown then the day's catch can be transported to the weigh-in by another contestant boat. At least one member must go to weigh-in with the rescuer boat. DFG possession limit rules must be adhered to in order to remain legal. All of the day's catch must be kept separate or properly identified.

6. Each contestant has the right to choose the fishing area for one half of the fishing day. Boat operation is at the discretion of the boat owner.

7. Any person found deliberately operating a boat in a manner which handicaps his partner's efforts may be disqualified from the tournament. A contestant may not hold or reserve a fishing area for another contestant. Infraction of this rule may result in disqualification of both boat operators involved.

8. Only Tackle: Only one rod may be in use at a time. Only artificial lures can be used. No prepared or live bait, other than pork rind strips, is permitted. Only rods and reels are permitted. They must be casting, spinning, or spin casting outfits, with rods not to exceed 8 feet in length. However, any number of rods may be rigged in the boat for substitution purposes.

9. Permitted fishing waters: Every boat has the right to fifty (50) yards of fishing waters. All fishing must be done from a boat to land fish. All contestants must leave and return to the tournament headquarters dock by boat. Boats may not be taken by trailer from one location to another during the tournament hours. "Off limits" areas will be decided by the Tournament Director and will be announced at the beginning of the tournament.

10. Late check-in and Penalties: Contestants who have not checked in for launch at the official check point on time must locate another member and check-in with that member . All safety equipment, livewells and lockers must be inspected before fishing begins.

10A. Late check-in Penalties: Both the boater and non boater will be assessed a one (1.0) pound penalty each for every minute late up to a maximum of (15) minutes late. If a boat is more than fifteen (15) minutes late returning to the official checkpoint, both contestants will be disqualified. Exception to this rule are emergencies, safety of the contestants is priority. The nature and validity of the emergency will be determined by the Tournament Director.

As stated in rule #5. If there is a mechanical breakdown the day's catch can be transported to the weigh-in by another boat. At least one member must go to weigh-in with the rescuer boat and all California Department of Fish & Game ( DFG ) limit regulations must be followed. If there is more than one legal limit then both anglers must remain with the day's catch. The day's catch must be kept separate or properly identified.

There is a four (4) ounce penalty for any dead fish weighed in. There is a one (1.0) pound penalty for any fish less than thirteen (13) inches in length. The Tournament Director will make every reasonable effort to make the fish meet the minimum length requirement. If the one pound penalty for a short fish results in a negative number then the remainder will be deducted from the angler's yearly total.

11. Anyone possessing or using any fish holding device other than the intended boat live well or specially designed weigh-in bag will be immediately disqualified. No fish shall be transferred from one location to another and released in an effort to salt or stack an area with fish for future tournaments.

12. Cheating : Anyone caught or deemed to have cheated in an event shall be disqualified from future events for a period of time to be determined by the Gilroy Bassmasters Officers.

13. Entry fees: Members = $20.00, “big fish” = $5.00. Optional pool = $5.00. The option pool is a betting pool in which the highest placing contestant entered in the pool wins the entire pool of money. Entry fees must be paid at the meeting prior to the tournament to be eligible to fish. If a member can not attend a meeting, he must submit entry fee before the meeting date to be eligible. Entry fees are not refundable unless a member has an uncontrollable situation. Officers must vote to discuss refund(s). If the second day of a two day tournament is canceled because of weather (or any other cause) then the “big fish” pool will not be refunded, but will be rolled over to the next tournament.

Entering late , after the club meeting is possible. Late entry is intended to be a rare exception. The late entrant must go as a non-boater if there is a spare boater available, pay a $15 late fee, have approval from the Tournament Director at least 24 hours before the tournament, and be assigned to a boat by the Tournament Director. If not approved by the Tournament Director, the club member will not fish. This can be done by the Assistant Tournament Director if the Tournament Director is not available.

14. Live wells: Adequate live wells are mandatory on each boat and must provide proper aeration to maintain fish in good condition, as fish are intended to be released alive after weigh in period. No one may retain any healthy bass after a tournament, but a fish that is dead or likely to die can be kept. A trophy bass may be claimed by his captor at the conclusion of the event. Identification of a trophy must be made at the weigh in. Please use catch and release chemicals.

15. Trolling is not permitted. No one may troll a lure behind a boat while under power by gas motors.

16. Boats and motors: No restrictions on boat and motor size unless stated prior to the tournament date, as long as the boat / motor do not exceed BIA (Boating Industry Association) rating for maximum horse power.

17. Non-Boaters are required to have their own USCG approved PFD (Personal Floatation Device). No exceptions !

18. Any violations of lake laws resulting in a ticket will be reviewed by Officers to determine if the boater and/or non-boater will be disqualified. That review will be completed within fifteen (15) minutes of weigh in.

19. Additional penalties: Any person acting in an unbecoming manner at any Gilroy Bassmasters function will be fined five (5) pounds from the Angler of The Year race and/or twenty five (25) points from the Bassmasters race. Additional penalties may include being eliminated from the next tournament. The Officers will determine the severity of the violation and may assess additional penalties. If there is more than one member involved, each member's role will be determined and penalty handed out accordingly.

20. Protest/complaints must be submitted within fifteen (15) minutes after weigh-in. Any protests or complaints submitted after that time will be disregarded. Protests will be reviewed by the officers.

21. Club dues: The total dues are $68 and are due at the January meeting. Of that $38.00 goes to the club, $15.00 to the B.A.S.S National Federation and $5 to California B.A.S.S. The money to B.A.S.S. is primarily for insurance but includes a subscription to BASS Times. The club money covers things like bank fees, postage and copies for newsletters, plaques, awards, and so on. We allocate about $720 as prizes for a club Tournament of Champions in which the Top 12 fishermen from the previous year compete. Anything left is spent on the annual banquet. B.A.S.S. increases may cause an increase in club dues. Dues for new members will be pro-rated at (-$3.00) a month. No member may fish a tournament until dues and insurance are paid in full .

22. T.O.C: A Tournament of Champions will be held each year, if enough funds are available. The participants will be selected from the top twelve (12) anglers based on the angler's total pounds from the previous year. The Angler of the Year will organize, plan and make pairing selections for the TOC . The total expense to the club will be limited to $720. This will be paid out as Big Fish $100 with Trophy, $300 for first place, $180 for second place, and $120 for third place. All payouts are per team. The additional ~ $20.00 will pay for the plates and trophy. To fish the TOC you must be a member in the year that it is held.

23. Member Dismissal: The Club Officers will first try to rectify the concern by discussing the situation with the member. If this unsuccessful then it is brought to the general membership. In order to remove any member from the club, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote is required by the members in attendance at the meeting in which the item is discussed. The member will be immediately notified of his dismissal and reason for dismissal.

24. B.A.S.S Federation: You must be a member of the B.A.S.S Federation to be a member of the Gilroy Bassmasters. The B.A.S.S. membership is required, it insures there is liability insurance coverage during tournaments.

25. Length measurement: A “Wil-E-Go” belly board will be used to measure fish length. The board can be at a forty-five (45) degree angle, the fish's mouth open, and the tail moved. The fish must be thirteen (13) inches or greater unless there is a slot limit.

26. Bounced Checks: Any member who bounces a check must make good on the check and pay any fees from the bank. No member will be allowed to fish until he make good on the bad check and fees.

27. Picking lakes: Lakes and dates will be picked by majority vote at the December meeting. If it is not possible to fish a selected lake then the alternate will be decided by the membership.

28. Ramp selection: The Tournament Director will decide on which ramp to be used. He will also notify all at the meeting how to get to the lake that is selected. The Tournament Director will notify all members planning to fish if the lake or ramp has changed.

29. Share of Expenses: Non-boaters will pay half of all tournament expenses. This includes gas for the vehicle that pulls the boat, gas and oil for the boat, launch fees, and parking fees. The boater will drive to and from the lake with the non-boater, if practical. If other arrangements are made the non-boater still pays half of the expenses. If a non-boater rides to the lake with someone other than his partner then the person that he rides with will not charge the non-boater unless other arrangement have been previously agreed upon. In any case, the non-boater will not have to pay twice. Anyone who fails to pay their half of the expenses will not be eligible to fish in a club tournament until the bill is paid. If there is a dispute, it should be reported to a club official and discussed at the next meeting. Practice related expenses will be agreed upon by the boater and non-boater prior to the tournament. Non-boaters should expect to pay between $30 to $60 per fishing day to the boater, to share the customary transportation and boating expenses. Lodging expenses are separate and negotiated by the boater and non-boater.

30. Guests: After the draw if a boater is fishing the tournament alone, bringing a guest is allowed. All guests (or their legal parent or guardian) must sign a Waiver of Liability prior to the tournament. All guests must be a minimum of sixteen (16) years old with a valid California fishing license. The guest will not participate in the awards and prizes of the tournament, but can be in the cash options if paid before the tournament begins.

30A. Members can choose to bring a guest of his/her choosing once a year. All guests (or their legal parent or guardian) must sign a Waiver of Liability prior to the tournament. The guest will not participate in the awards and prizes of the tournament, but can be in the cash options if paid before the tournament begins. If the guest is a boater then he is allowed to bring his boat and the member fishes as a non-boater. If allowing the guest to fish would result in a non-boater not fishing, then the guest will not be allowed to fish. Tournament awards & prizes are for club members only.

31. No Alcohol or illegal drugs: No Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are allowed in any tournament boat during the competition. No contestant will be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or otherwise impaired during tournament hours. Tournament hours include the time after the boat check-in and until the weigh-in is completed. The penalty can lead to disqualification of the violator/s. The severity of the violation and subsequent penalty if any will be determined by the Tournament Director.

32. Prospective members: Twice a year a member may bring a different prospective member to fish with the club. (The prospective member must show proof of membership in B.A.S.S. for insurance purposes). The prospective member can fish with the member and neither will participate in the draw other than for launch position. If the prospective member is a boater then he is allowed to bring his boat and the member fishes as a non-boater. If allowing the prospective member to fish would result in a non-boater not fishing, then the guest will not be allowed to fish. Tournament awards & prizes are for club members only.

33. Plaques for small plates : After each tournament, first (1 st ), second (2 nd ), and third (3 rd ) place finishers are awarded small plates. The first time that a member receives a small plate for finishing in the money, he will be presented with a plaque to place the plates on. The plaque holds about 25 plates. When the plaque is filled, he will be presented with another plaque. There is no cost to the member for the plates or plaques.

34. Draw: The tournament draw is done at the meeting previous to the tournament by the Tournament Director and/or assistant tournament director. This will be a blind draw of the boater in one bag matching them with a non-boater in a different bag.

Everyone intending to fish must be in the draw and have their monies into the secretary/treasurer or TD prior to the draw. An exception is: You can enter late by paying the customary entry fee plus a $15.00 late entry fee. You must also have the approval of the TD and fish as a non-boater (unless there are no boaters to be paired up with for the late entrant).

If a boater and non-boater have drawn each other twice in a calendar year, then they will not be allowed to fish together a third time that calendar year. The exception is the TOC or other non-club events like the Club Top 6 (NCCC).

34A. Pairing of boaters after draw : After the draw is completed, if there are boaters that have not drawn a non-boater, then two boaters are allowed to pair up. One boater becomes a non-boater. This requires permission of the Tournament Director.

35. Tournament Director's Discretion : Whenever there is a tournament situation that occurs after the draw that is not covered by club rules or that is a judgment call, then the Tournament Director will make the decision. A vote is not necessary. The Tournament Director may consult with other officers but this is not a requirement. The idea is that we need an immediate decision, not an argument.

36. Cancellation of a Tournament : If in the opinion of the Tournament Director or Acting Tournament Director it may be necessary to cancel a tournament because of weather. Then the Tournament Director or Acting Tournament Director must give all who have signed up for the tournament choice of the following options at least forty-eight (48) hours before the start of the tournament.

1) Drop out of the tournament now and receive a refund of the entry fee.
2) Be at the ramp the morning of the tournament for a decision. If after allowing people to drop out there are less than four (4) boats remaining, then the tournament will be cancelled.

37. Absent Officer Succession: If for any reason the Tournament Director is unable or unwilling to be at the site of the tournament, then the responsibility of the position goes to the next officer in this order:

1 - Assistant Tournament Director
2 - President
3 - Vice President
4 – Secretary/Treasurer
5 - Raffle Director
6 - Someone chosen by vote at the ramp.

38. Angler of the Year and Bassmaster of the Year : The Angler of the Year is based on total pounds in all club tournaments for the year. Bassmaster of the Year is based on total points in all club tournaments for the year. At the end of the year, both will receive a plaque and their dues will be paid by the club for the following year. If anyone wins both in the same year then dues are paid for one year and a check presented for one year's dues at the Annual Awards Banquet.

39. Annual Banquet : If there are enough funds the club will have an Annual Awards Banquet. The banquet will be planned by the officers in December for a no later than end of February event. Plaques will be presented to the Angler of the Year , Bassmaster of the Year , Rookie of the Year , Most Improved , Sportmanship and Biggest Bass of the Year . Also to any officer that wants a plaque for service. The club officers will determine by formula the “Rookie of the Year” and “Most Improved”. The Sportsmanship award and occasionally other awards will be determined by the officers. If there is sufficient money remaining in the club treasury then the club may pay part of the expenses for the banquet.

40 . Lake Inspections : It is the responsibility of the boater to know all boating rules, inspections and safety procedures. If lake authorities require an inspection for access the boater must be prepared to pass these inspections. If the boat fails a DFG or lake inspection and is not permitted to fish, then the boater will be disqualified from the tournament. If there is an open seat in the tournament the non-boater will be allowed to fish with a different boater determined by the Tournament Director.

41. DFG rules : DFG requires that any cumulative fish weight of five (5.0) pounds or more must be transported in separate bags for the health of the fish. Example : if in your limit you have one (1) - five pounder, two (2) - four pounders and two (2) - three pounders you will need five (5) bags to weigh in your limit of nineteen (19) pounds.

42. Weigh-in: During warmer water periods weigh-ins should be by launch order. There should be no more than four (4) individuals (two (2) boats) in line waiting to weigh in their day's catch. Once the first of two the boats in front of you are finished with their weigh-in then you can get in line. Try to keep the fish in the live wells as long as possible in re-circulated water with release chemicals. Next in line is determined by launch order. This is to be coordinated by the Club Officers or someone appointed at the ramp.

43. Fish Release : The proper DFG fish release method is by boat ¼ mile out and 2 miles away from the ramp. This is especially scrutinized at Clearlake. Where possible do not recover your boat, keep it tied to the dock and wait your turn to weigh-in. Both anglers should travel together to legally release the day's catch.

Last update 03/19/09
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